Accessories for industrial vacuums Using the right accessory makes easier and efficient your daily work enhancing the performance of your Nilfisk industrial vacuum. This catalogue allows you to identify the most suitable accessories for all vacuum cleaners and applications. In the tables, you will find the main features of the different accessories, an indication of the sectors where they are recommended to be used and if they are ATEX certified. A short description of the food, pharma and ATEX range: Accessories for the food sector: The color-coded program is one of the main requests of the food sector: each color is matched to a specific production area, in order to avoid any cross contamination or bacteria migration inside the plant. Nilfisk provides a selection of 6 colors of FDA approved accessories for any application. Moreover, a specific range for high temperatures is available, in order to meet any need in ovens cleaning and high temperature material collection, keeping the product quality at the top. Accessories for the pharmaceutical sector: Nilfisk accessories for pharmaceutical applications are designed to meet any possible need in terms of safety, hygiene and efficiency. Accessories quality is at the top: FDA certified, the metal parts are made in stainless steel AISI 316L, they can be sterilized placing them in autoclave. Accessories for vacuum cleaners in ATEX zones The range of ATEX accessories suitable for II 2D 2G has been developed in order to increase the safety of our industrial vacuums. Accessories for ACD sector: Appliance for vacuuming combustible dust. Accessories that are compliant with the industrial application for vacuuming combustible dust. This range includes SS parts, and conductive or antistatic hoses. How to use the new and certified sequence of ATEX accessories The ATEX sequence of accessories starts from the inlet which features a hole where to mount the first accessory with a pushbutton. The whole sequence of accessories can be then connected by using male and female parts, along the complete sequence, from the inlet to the final tool. Only accessories with these metal parts will be marked as certified. Here below the marking that all Nilfisk ATEX accessories will feature: Nilfisk Logo ATEX marking for Gas & Dust II 2 G Ex h IIB Tx Gb II 2 D Ex h IIIC Tx Db ZOCCA (MO) – ITALY AR17ATEXxxxxU -20°C≤Ta≤60°C EXA M 2017 Certificate N° issued by the Test Lab Temperature range Reference Name: EXA EX accessories M metal parts (or H hoses, or T terminal tools) 2017 year of production Please feel free to contact us at any time for more details or for the latest information. +39 059 9730000 Note: Images are for reference only. For details please refer to the features in the table.
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