REACH Declaration Nilfisk A/S Kornmarksvej 1 DK-2605 Brøndby Denmark T: +45 43 23 81 00 CVR: 62572213 EU Regulation 1907/2006/EC concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH), entered into force in EU in 2007 as a comprehensive chemicals management policy representing a new holistic approach. REACH shifts the responsibility from public authorities to industry with regards to assessing and managing the risks posed by chemicals and providing appropriate safety information for their users. It impacts on a wide range of companies across many sectors beyond the chemical industry. It requires new forms of cooperation among companies, enhancing communication along the supply chain. The main aims of REACH are to ensure a high level of protection for human health and the environment. Specific requirements in REACH that are of relevance for Nilfisk’s products: • Obligation to inform customers if a product contains > 0.1% of a SVHC (Substance of Very High Concern) listed in the candidate list • Bans/restrictions on certain substances (REACH Annex XVII) Nilfisk supports the aim of the REACH Regulation, prohibiting SVHC since 2013 in our products and is continuously working on replacing these substances as the candidate list expands unless technically unfeasible. Nilfisk products may contain the below substances above the threshold level: • Lead (CAS# 7439-92-1) above the level 0.1% in steel alloys, brass, aluminum or electronic components such as pin of plugs • Cadmium (CAS# 7440-43-9) above the level 0.1% in electrical contacts of certain vacuum cleaner motors • Bisphenol A (CAS# 80-05-7) above the level 0.1% in motor brushes or thermal switches of certain vacuum cleaner motors Lead and Cadmium content above threshold in our products (articles) is only present if it lives up to the exemptions under the RoHS Directive. Nilfisk A/S August 2023 Page 1 / 1
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